Christian Formation for Children and Youth
Part of our Christian Formation for teens includes a spiritual pilgrimage. Planning is underway for our sixth youth pilgrimage in July 2022 which will take our high school students to Salisbury, England for an 8 day journey to the heart of our faith.
Our young people are also fully incorporated into the broad range of church ministries, including ministers of the liturgy (lectors, chalice bearers, bread bakers, sacristy team, ushers, greeters, crucifers, acolytes), intercessory prayer team, outreach ministry, music, hospitality, creation care, and arts.
If you have questions about our Children’s, Youth, and Family Ministries, contact our Parish Administrator, Karen Work at 215-234-8020
Meet Wes Paul:
Our Director of Children’s, Youth, and Family Ministries
We are very pleased to announce that Wes Paul is our new Director of Child, Youth, and Family Ministries (CYFM). Wes, a lifelong follower of Christ, will be the point person for our teachers, parents, and the congregation as he collaborates with everyone in CYFM to organize, administer and plan for this vital ministry.
Having served as a high school principal, science teacher, coach, and graduate school adjunct professor he brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and energy to COHS. He demonstrated his commitment to creating a collaborative culture and work environment in his 34 years of serving high school students in Massachusetts. Wes retired in June 2021 after 22 years as a high school principal and moved with Janet, his wife of 36 years, to Barto to be closer to their grandchildren. In searching for a church, they found COHS and instantly experienced the love of God in this beautiful community.
We are blessed that Wes has committed to this important role. Please welcome, thank, and support Wes as he journeys with us to help teach and develop the young people of our parish.
If you would like to learn more about Wes’ background, follow this link to the announcement of his retirement.
We are blessed with a growing church community of which nearly one-fourth is young people under the age of eighteen. Spiritual formation of children and youth is one of our highest priorities as we work to ensure a safe and spiritually-rich environment so that our young people and those walking with them may build a foundation for a life-long journey with God. From God’s Children Sing and Godly Play for our youngest children, to the Explorers and Voyagers classrooms for our elementary aged students, and the Discoverers and Pilgrims groups for our middle and high school friends, we are committed to providing a comprehensive program to nurture faith, build community, and fully integrate young people into the life and ministries of the church.
In addition to our Sunday School ministry, a group of caring parents and mentors supports a youth group for students in grades 6-12; their activities include outreach and mission, an annual winter retreat, service to the church, mixed events with other youth from churches in the Valley Forge Deanery and PA Diocese, and frequent events that are just plain fun.
Sundays and Beyond
Like most churches, we offer Sunday School where our young people learn the Christian story and how it connects to their own stories. They also learn that they are a vital part of our community and truly have a place here. The Christian Education ministry, and our many dedicated volunteer teachers, invites and welcomes all children to join us in our Sunday school program. Sunday School meets from September to early June at 9:00 AM.
Ages 2-5 with parents included in the class.
Located in Right Hand Classroom within the old Fellowship HallThe God’s Children Sing program is a branch of Musikgarten designed for young children to discover the sounds of God’s world. Through singing, movement, and listening, our youngest children and their caregivers join our volunteer teachers, Karen Work and Emily Knorr, to explore the Friends in God’s World curriculum.
Located in the Left Hand Classroom within the old Fellowship Hall
The Godly Play curriculum, taught by Amy Newman along with parent and church helpers, engages young children through story-telling of foundational Bible stories, coupled with “I wonder” statements that encourage them to think more about the stories. They also learn the basics of the sacraments and the liturgical year.
Located in the New Fellowship Hall Left Hand Classroom
In the Explorers class students begin to explore and understand Bible text and the Episcopal faith through crafts, games and technology.Throughout the year the children will learn how the Bible is organized, how to search for a verse on a topic or issue and will learn about Jesus' teachings and the stories of other key people in the Bible. The class, led by Arianna Druckenmiller and Kim Iacovella, reads and discusses the NIRV Bible as a group and then works together to summarize the stories using different methods such as hands-on crafts and creating stop motion films.
Located in the New Fellowship Hall Right Hand Classroom
Our middle school and high school children practice making the link between childhood and young adulthood in creative ways, seeing God’s work alive in our everyday lives, and newly discovering the foundations of faith with their growing skill of abstract thinking. This class uses “The Lesson Plans That Work” curriculum from the Episcopal Church and follows The Liturgical Calendar of the current year exploring a Gospel or Old Testament Lesson for each Sunday.
Our teachers, Wes Paul, Andrew Strite and Alex Dadio (Pilgrimage Coordinator) bring a great deal of experience and dedication to our youth. In the year(s) leading up to a Youth Pilgrimage trip one of the most important aspects of the Pilgrims Sunday School program is the preparation of the youth for their pilgrimage – both the lifelong pilgrimage of spiritual formation and faith. The Pilgrimage trip to Salisbury, England is scheduled for July of 2026. This faith journey is undertaken in companionship with others; together, we ask questions, make new discoveries, learn from one another, express our doubts, serve others, and learn what it means to be part of a community of faith.

The youth of Church of the Holy Spirit often take advantage of opportunities to reach out to our community, where they may share in God’s blessings, build upon their faith, perform Christian outreach and have fun. A variety of fun and service-oriented activities for all of our youth is offered throughout the school year. Our youth grades 6-12+ are able to participate in overnight activities offered by COHS, the Diocese of PA Youth program, and various community events between September and June of each year.
Each January, our youth grades 6-12+ are invited to attend the annual Spruce Lake youth retreat. The Spruce Lake camp in Canadensis, PA, is a beautiful campground in the Pennsylvania Poconos with several cabins and many activities for our youth and adult chaperones to enjoy. Each year our retreat is spiritually and uniquely themed, and offers our youth chances to share their stories, engage in spiritual music, create, serve one another, play games and sports, go hiking and tubing, and more! Our youth often look forward to entering 6th grade so they can participate in the retreat, and many of our college aged “Post-Pilgrims” join us during their winter break from school as well.
Our youth grades 6+ volunteer at least once a year in the kitchen at St. John’s, Norristown, to cook and serve breakfast to those who are homeless or hungry in our community. In the past, our youth of all ages have prepared Blessing Bags with support and donations from our COHS congregation to give to our friends and neighbors at the breakfast. Serving breakfast at St. Augustine is a humbling experience that all of our youth should have throughout their journey to adulthood.
Every three to four years since 2004, Holy Spirit high-school aged teens have made a pilgrimage as the apex of our Youth Christian Education program. This vibrant curriculum encourages young people to be intentional, curious, and discerning in their faith as they make the winding journey of adolescence towards healthy and engaged adulthood. An important part of this journey is undertaking a pilgrimage that allows young people the opportunity to more deeply explore and practice their evolving faith in an unfamiliar, yet hospitable, spiritual setting in the company of peers and trusted adult chaperones. Without exception, our pilgrims have found this journey to be life-changing. Five groups of COHS high-school teens have participated in the pilgrimage to Lindisfarne, England; Dublin, Ireland; Salisbury, England; and Canterbury, England (two groups).
In the Summer of 2022, the sixth group of pilgrims will travel to Salisbury, England.
The pilgrimage trip is only part of the journey, however; it is preceded by many months, even years, of spiritual, relational, and educational preparation in our Sunday School classes, special gatherings for worship and discussion, outreach projects, fundraising events, and social activities. In the months leading up to the pilgrimage, our youth learn about the history and theology of Christianity and the particular ethos of the Episcopal Church; the importance of the sacraments and sacramental living; and be supported as they ask questions, discern new ideas, and grow in their faith. This is an essential part of the pilgrimage; in fact, the pilgrimage cannot happen without faithful preparation and the development of a sense of community with the other pilgrims.
An emerging area of interest for our young people and their families is caring for creation through both personal and community actions. Our youth participate in annual clean-up events along Perkiomen Creek, assist with the care of the COHS bird and butterfly sanctuary, help to plant new trees, and learn about the environment through walks and activities on our nearly 30-acre wooded property.
Welcome to the COHS Nursery and Toddler Room
We are blessed by the vibrant faith of the many families with young children at Church of the Holy Spirit. In the nursery, there are many suitable toys, books and crafts supplies. Donations of chalk and erasers, age-appropriate coloring and craft supplies, puzzles, and books are always welcome!
The Girls’ Friendly Society of the United States of America is an international, not-for-profit organization affiliated with the Episcopal Church for girls and young women.
Our focus is to provide a support system aimed at developing the whole person through a program of worship, service to others, study, and recreation designed to empower girls and to help them grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Girls are expected to actively participate in GFS activities including worship and service. Girls will learn the GFS prayer and GFS motto, and understand and agree to live by the promises they made at their Admissions Service. The GFS motto is “bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6.2)
For more information, contact Girls Friendly or the church office.