We Belong and Give as One

“The earth is God’s and all that is in it, the world and all who dwell therein.”
Psalm 24:1

As we kick off our campaign for Stewardship 2025, we reflect upon our campaign theme, “We Belong and Give as One,” recognizing our church’s motto, “You always have a home at Church of the Holy Spirit.”

Stewardship is based on the idea that everything we have belongs to God and that we are stewards of God’s gifts. We are to share these gifts with others, returning what God has given us with increase.

Church of the Holy Spirit continues to offer hope, love, service, and care well beyond the walls of our church building. The generous contributions of time, talents, and treasures of COHS members and friends make it possible for us to support our many ministries and spread God’s love to people near and far.

Stewardship in the Episcopal Church is “our response to God’s generosity in the way we share our resources of time, talent, and money.” Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge. Please prayerfully commit to joining this holy endeavor through your pledge and ongoing financial support.

Your financial pledge allows us to budget for expenses incurred throughout the year, including salaries and benefits for our clergy and staff, pastoral support, music, utilities, snow and trash removal, outreach, Christian education, office supplies, office equipment, property insurance, liability insurance, and maintenance of our building and grounds.

So, what does it mean to pledge? A financial pledge is a weekly, monthly, or other regular commitment to support the Church of the Holy Spirit. The pledges and donations from COHS members and friends are our sole sources of income. Like you, COHS needs to know how much money we will receive each year to prepare our budget, pay our expenses, and respond to unexpected changes.

Your pledge is vital to the ministries at COHS and is a faithful, hope-filled response to God’s call for us to follow Jesus Christ for the whole of our lives.

We ask that you prayerfully consider pledging for 2025 as “We Belong and Give as One.” 

Listen to Stephen Jeffery’s
Stewardship Campaign Message

Below, either download and print your pledge card to bring to church, or you can make you pledge online.

Listen to Al Stevens’
Stewardship Campaign Kick-off Message

Listen to Susan Fisher’s
Stewardship Campaign Message

Here are your giving options in order of our preference:

- Set up automatic Electronic payments through your bank

- You can set up recurring giving by clicking the “Give” button for our PushPay Mobile Giving App

- Pay by cash or check (please use the following address)

Church of the Holy Spirit
P.O. Box 575 (please do not use the street address)
Harleysville, PA  19438