Education and Christian Formation
Christian faith is formed, developed, and enacted in all aspects of our lives. Nourishing our faith is essential for it to grow. One way our faith is fed is through Christian Formation, which happens in many different ways, in multiple venues, and across all generations. Church of the Holy Spirit is committed to offering multiple, diverse, and creative ways for people of all ages to explore their faith, deepen their spirituality, and explore new ways to enact their faith.
For adults, one of our greatest challenges is regularly setting time aside to nourish our souls. The ministry of Adult Christian Formation recognizes that each of us yearns to know more about God, church traditions, and how to nourish our faith in a changing world. Our rector and many volunteers strive to meet this challenge by offering creative opportunities for ongoing spiritual practice through adult education programs, retreats, quiet days and special forums.
We are blessed with a growing church community of which nearly one-fourth is young people under the age of eighteen. Spiritual formation of children and youth is one of our highest priorities as we work to ensuring a safe and spiritually-rich environment so that our young people and those walking with them may build a foundation for a life-long journey with God.